Nutrition Articles

Taste the Power – The World’s Strongest Organic Black Seed Oil
Try a world-first with Viridian: new Organic High Potency Black Seed Oil

Planning a Baby - Improving Male Fertility
During Men's Health Week, learn about the key nutrients to boost sperm count and motility as Viridian’s nutritionist Salma Dawood investigates the supplements associated with improved male fertility.

Spring Equinox Seasonal Cleansing for the Mind Body and Spirit
The equinox in March marks the change of seasons across the globe, with the Northern Hemisphere witnessing the response of nature to lengthening daylight and the beginning of spring.

Topical Use of Lemon Balm for Cold Sores
Cold sores may be a common viral infection but science has shown that lemon balm (Melissa Officinalis) can help treat and keep the herpes simplex virus at bay.

The Surprising Health Benefits of Marigold
Common marigold (Calendula officinalis), blooms a beautiful vibrant orange flower and is part of the daisy family Asteraceae.

Sugar in food supplements
You may be surprised, or even shocked, to hear that many mass-market vitamins contain heaps of sugars and other additives...

Black seed oil supplementation shown to support asthma control in latest clinical study
A new study conducted this year investigated the benefits of Black seed Oil (Nigella sativa) in asthma control and symptoms. The Nigella sativa seed originates from western Asia and has...

Viridian presses for Government to ban Titanium Dioxide in Food Supplements and Medicines
Viridian is calling on UK health authorities to immediately ban Titanium Dioxide, a widely used food colourant additive in food, food supplements and medicines, amid safety concerns.